Saturday, March 24, 2018

About the Wholeness of Natural Perfumery

Wholeness is about complexities. It's about taking the rough with the smooth. When using natural essences in perfumery it sometimes happens that there are certain notes that we might think we could very well do without. Rose essence in it's whole natural form possesses beautiful delicate rosy notes but it can also have notes that smell dense, or waxy, or sometimes even sharp. Some rose essences can have indolic, heavy notes. The same heaviness can sometimes prevent the more delicate floral notes characteristic of real roses from shining through.

As a natural perfumer it is important to learn how to work with the wholeness of natural essences. This takes acceptance and imagination as well as a great deal of time, experimentation and work. A good quality synthetic rose essence has a clarity, and as if the 'unwanted' notes are stripped away it is vibrant, light, delicate rosy. However it lacked complexity, mystery and most of all wholeness.

With skill the natural perfumer can work with their materials, blending them with other whole essences. A good perfumer will know what an essence needs to bring out it's best qualities and what to use to neutralize or balance heavier notes.

Wholeness speaks to us in volumes rather than in words. We are working with nature's masterpieces rather than individual pigments. We are performing using mother earth's symphonies instead picking separate notes.

Friday, March 9, 2018

The Passion of Natural Perfumery

Passion, life and breath, they go together.
Passion is a force that comes from the heart into the breath.
It is raw emotion finding a release through life.
Without passion there is no art.
Through emotion, imagination and passion, the perfumer breathes life into their raw materials.
The perfumer pours themselves into their creations.
Leaving fear behind, leaving control behind a perfumer becomes wild, poking at the unexpected, creating chaos to find perfection.
In passion a perfumer loses themselves in their work and have no fear of dancing to their own tune.

New Review for our Beginner Course - Natural Perfumery Diploma

Justine , I want to express my gratitude for your guidance and leadership as an outstanding and knowledgeable teacher. Your Beginner course ...